Preparing America for the Mark of the Beast

Preparing America for the Mark of the Beast

A classic article from July 2004 It’s time somebody said, “That’s enough!”  If the leaders of our country will not stand up and say, “Stop it, you heathens!” then there is no hope for America or the world. We used to wonder how the Antichrist could get away with...
Is America Committing Suicide?

Is America Committing Suicide?

A classic article from July 1985 The citizens chafe impatiently at the least touch of authority, and at length, they cease to care even for the laws, written or unwritten. And this is the fair and glorious beginning out of which springs tyranny. “The excessive...
Twins, Cowboys & Hurricanes

Twins, Cowboys & Hurricanes

Editor’s Note: J.R. Church wrote his own biography in the form of a series of ‘Reflections’ articles in the Prophecy in the News magazine. PITN’s  Tabitha Cook pieced together the founder’s memories and images to create the Keep Looking Up!...
Reflecting on Pentecost

Reflecting on Pentecost

A J.R. Church Classic from the May 2013 Prophecy in the News Magazine Editor’s Note: “The Feast of Shavuot, or Pentecost, was observed from sundown on Tuesday, June 11 until sunrise on Thursday, June 13, 2024. What is the history and prophetic significance...
Are You Afraid to Study Prophecy?

Are You Afraid to Study Prophecy?

A J.R. Church Classic from May 1993 During the course of my ministry, I have traveled to hundreds of churches across America holding prophetic conferences at the invitation of pastors. Sometimes a pastor will tell me (with a heavy heart) that some of his members have...