J.R. Church
looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ – Titus 2:13
About J.R.
In November of 1979, Prophecy in the News launched its worldwide ministry from Oklahoma City, founded by J.R. Church, a Texas pastor with a heart and a vision for Bible prophecy, as well as reaching the world with the Gospel.
Church’s colleagues in the ministry, Noah Hutchings and Dr. David Webber at Southwest Radio Church, helped introduce J.R. Church to the fans of their far-reaching radio ministry and provided support as he built his prophecy ministry from its Oklahoma City base.
In November 1938, Jerry Rolan Church was born in Abilene, Texas, the first half of a pair of twins. J.R. Church, as he came to be known, became a Christ-follower at the age of 7 in a home Bible study and spent his life winning others to the Lord.
In 1958, he married the former Linda Clarice Jordan in Lubbock, Texas. Together, the couple has two children and five grandchildren. J.R. and Linda moved to Chattanooga, Tenn., where J.R. received his formal Bible education at Tennessee Temple University, earning in 1962 a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in the Bible and a minor in history.

J.R first became a pastor while in college, at a small country church called “Jump Off Baptist Church” in the mountains near Chattanooga, Tenn. After college, J.R. and Linda moved to Lubbock, Texas, where in the early 1960s, they started their ministry with a new church, Lubbock Baptist Church. Within just a few years, they built their first building and renamed the church Western Hills Baptist Church and J.R. Church founded the Western Hills Baptist Academy. He pastored that church, later known as Wayne Avenue Baptist Church, until they moved to Oklahoma City, Okla., in 1979.
In Oklahoma City, Church launched Prophecy in the News, which went on to become the premier television program dealing with current events in Bible prophecy. Consequently, J.R. Church became known as a respected Bible prophecy teacher and was a frequent speaker at conferences and churches across the U.S.
In addition to the PITN news shows and innumerable audio and video recordings, Church wrote and published eight books: Hidden Prophecies in the Psalms (1986, revised 1990), Guardians of the Grail: And the Men Who Plan to Rule the World (1989, revised 1991), They Pierced The Veil (1993), Hidden Prophecies in the Song of Moses (1991), The Mystery of the Menorah (1993), On the Eve of Adam: God’s Ancient Plan for Lucifer’s Defeat (2001), Daniel Reveals the Bloodline of the Antichrist (2010) and Enoch: The First Book Ever Written (2010).
At the time of his death from cancer, Church was hailed in WorldNetDaily as a “true prophetic visionary [whose] system of prophetic interpretation has led the way in understanding the astonishing growth and influence of latter-day Israel and the things that lie just ahead.”
Church is interred at Heritage Burial Park in Oklahoma City. J.R. went to be with the Lord in 2011, but his legacy continues through his writings, recordings and devoted fans. We believe he would be thrilled that PITN is being revitalized after a brief hiatus after his passing.