Are You Afraid to Study Prophecy?

Are You Afraid to Study Prophecy?

A J.R. Church Classic from May 1993 During the course of my ministry, I have traveled to hundreds of churches across America holding prophetic conferences at the invitation of pastors. Sometimes a pastor will tell me (with a heavy heart) that some of his members have...
Eschatology 101

Eschatology 101

es•cha•tol•o•gy/eska tälojē/   noun  1. the part of theology concerned with death, judgment and the final destiny of the soul and humankind. Eschatology can be one of the most rewarding and worthwhile adventures in Christian life. It seems that every chapter in the...
Jews Look for Elijah on Passover

Jews Look for Elijah on Passover

A J.R. Church classic article from April 1986 Passover is a time of looking backward for the Jews. It commemorates the deliverance of the children of Israel from the harsh hands of the Pharaoh some 3,000 years ago. At the same time, it reminds the Jew to look forward...
What Will Be Next From The Digital Demon?

What Will Be Next From The Digital Demon?

A J.R. Church classic article from June 2004 “With keen biblical insight, Rev. J.R. Church alerted readers twenty years ago to emerging technologies that could be harnessed by the antichrist during the biblical end-times scenario. Mere possibilities in 2004 are...
Armageddon: The Ultimate War

Armageddon: The Ultimate War

—J.R. Church newspaper article from August 1993 Armageddon will be the ultimate war. All nations will be involved. The events leading up to this battle are predicted in the Bible, some of which have been fulfilled in this generation. In the Bible, we find a curious...