
A classic article from July 2004

It’s time somebody said, “That’s enough!”  If the leaders of our country will not stand up and say, “Stop it, you heathens!” then there is no hope for America or the world.

We used to wonder how the Antichrist could get away with forcing everyone in the world to receive a tattoo on their foreheads or on their right hands… or, perhaps, an implanted device of some kind. 

But it seems so obvious now. A generation has been raised with the notion that prayer and Bible reading are forbidden. Uncle Sam said it was! The laws of our land are no longer founded upon the Ten Commandments. Therefore, the politicians can become as corrupt as they want, and society can plunder the assets of what was once a great nation. 

As a minister, I am tempted to lay the blame at the feet of every pastor and every Christian in America, but I must say that we are not altogether to blame – not in the past and not now. Having tried to warn society for so many years, I am convinced that what ministers and Christians say no longer carries any moral weight. We are not the “salt” and “light” that we thought we were. 

The real blame must be laid at the doorstep of every politician from the bully-pulpit of the mayor’s office to the courts, governors, state legislatures, Congress, and finally, to the bully-pulpit of the American president. I point the finger of accusation and say, “It’s your fault!” 

Don’t forget that America’s religious leaders are not consulted when Supreme Court judges are selected. It was not our fault that the Supreme Court kicked prayer and Bible-reading out of America’s classrooms. It was not our fault that the Supreme Court legalized abortion on demand. 

It was not our fault when the Federal Communications Commission began allowing vulgar language and nudity on the airwaves. It was not our fault when our politicians turned their heads and allowed pornography to invade our communities – in the movie houses and the grocery stores – although anti-pornography laws were already on the books. Then came horse-race betting and the lottery. Bingo parlors were allowed on Indian reservations under Mafia control. This led to all kinds of gambling joints springing up across our state and a systematic brainwashing of the public into accepting them. 

Throughout my lifetime, I have been confronted with one election after another to legalize beer, at first, then liquor-by-the-drink, in communities that had formerly outlawed the forbidden fruit for the good of society. 

And whose fault was it? Not the ministers who fought so hard for the minds and hearts of society. We were no match for the tax-rich politicians. 

Removing prayer and Bible reading from the classroom was just the beginning. Since then, our public schools have, for the most part, become hotbeds for breeding a generation of heathens. Eventually, the schools became so bad, and the children so depraved that every day, some child was caught with a gun. Most of the incidents were not reported in the press. 

Only the shootings were reported, and sometimes, not even that. I lived in Lubbock for many years before coming to Oklahoma City. When my nephew was in high school, he witnessed his friend gunned down in the hallway. The boy died. However, I do not recall hearing about it on the news or reading about it in the daily newspaper. The public school system in Lubbock was sacred back then. The parents must be protected from bad news at any cost. 

So, as a pastor, I built a Christian school to try to salvage the children. One day, while I was out of town, a local TV station called and asked if they could do a news piece on our Christian school. Our school administration welcomed them, thinking that we would get some free publicity… and maybe some more students. They brought a TV camera and took video pictures of our buildings, students and faculty. That night, the news anchor introduced the segment on our Christian school with these words: “If you want to make a lot of money, just start a Christian school!” 

Lies! Lies! Dump on Christians! Destroy the credibility of ministers and churches who are trying to save America! They never bothered to ask about our budget. We never made any money! The budget had to be pulled out of the red every year. We had no tax funds, no federal subsidies… and we couldn’t fight city hall. 

Furthermore, I would not have accepted government help if it was offered. This notion of helping “faith-based” religious groups is another ploy for government control. Only really naive people can’t see that! 

Our political leaders have done this to us. We have the best politicians’ money can buy! The American public remained complacent as one moral after another was tossed into the proverbial garbage can. 

Did you just say, “But we voted for them. We put them in the office”? I must inform you that we do not select our nation’s leaders. Nor have we ever really had the vote. Every time we put a “Christian” in office, we later learn that he has no biblical conviction… or that he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The only thing we have ever received for our vote was lip-service. The unseen powers that run our government have always been in control of both parties and every election. I don’t know why I am writing about this again. I doubt that anyone really believes me. John Kerry has more royal blood flowing in his veins than George W. Bush. And George Bush is related to more American presidents than any other president in our nation’s history.

We are talking “royal cousins” here. John Kerry is related to King Harald of Norway. During his youth, he even lived in Oslo for a couple of years, so says Harold Brooks-Baker, director of Burke’s Peerage, the prestigious genealogical society in London, which follows the various lineages of Europe’s royal families. He is related to the queen of England on his mother’s side and also to the queen of the Netherlands, the queen of Denmark, and the king of Norway, as well as other European royal families. Even Princess Diana was a distant relative. 

Both the president and the Democratic contender are related to European royalty and each other. 

According to Brooks-Baker, whoever has the most royal blood in his veins always wins America’s presidential elections. He claims this has been true since the election of George Washington himself. Our first president was kin to the English throne. That would make the American Revolution a family squabble. 

On his mother’s side, John Kerry is the direct descendent of John Winthrop, the first governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. 

We have raised a generation of God-haters. Even when Hollywood’s most successful star – the one they all love and respect – decides to make a film about the crucifixion, the news media tries to crucify him as well. “The Passion of the Christ” may have grossed a half-billion dollars, but Mel Gibson had to pay a dear price himself. 

I saw a TV program on Mel Gibson’s many multimillion-dollar mansions and his airplane! This was too big! That was too expensive! The whole piece was an in-your-face diatribe about how terrible it was that Mel Gibson had so much money! I have never before seen a movie star berated for making a lot of money. You’d-a-thought he was a TV evangelist or something! 

All the ministers I know struggle to pay bills. We don’t make a lot of money. But there is a continuing systematic effort to destroy the moral foundation upon which our nation was built. And to accomplish it, ministers have to be discredited. 

I once knew a state senator who drafted legislation to remove “customer mailing lists” from the Oklahoma State larceny law. After that, he started stealing mailing lists from several ministries. The district attorney said there was no law to stop him. The FBI said they could do nothing to stop him. And finally, the county judge threw out the civil suits and let him keep our lists. 

That’s the kind of politicians we’ve been voting for. They are the primary reason we have such widespread immorality in our nation. By the way, this state senator also claimed to be a Christian. More than that. He also claimed to be a minister! 

Now, I am sure there must be some good, moral, God-loving Christians in public service, but for the life of me,

I can’t think of one!

Society, for the most part, has followed those dirty, lying, thieving “pied pipers” toward moral and spiritual oblivion. 

The moral decay, so prevalent today, provides the soil in which the kingdom of the Antichrist can grow. People are being brainwashed to accept the mark of the beast without question.

Even little children can go into a toy store and see temporary fake tattoos. Such corruption taints the psyche – causing people to think it’s OK to paint and pierce their skin. 

Well, it’s not OK! Leviticus 19:28 makes it clear that God does not approve of such practices: “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh … nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.” 

The Apostle John tells us that the world’s economy will be controlled by means of a mark in the hand or forehead: 

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 

And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Rev. 13:16,17). 

Today, the world is closer to the Tribulation Period than most would like to think.

It is coming very soon. Be prepared.

J.R. Church

J.R. Church

Prophecy in the News Founder

In November of 1979, Prophecy in the News launched its worldwide ministry from Oklahoma City, founded by J.R. Church, a Texas pastor with a heart and a vision for Bible prophecy, as well as reaching the world with the Gospel.

Church’s colleagues in the ministry, Noah Hutchings and Dr. David Webber at Southwest Radio Church, helped introduce J.R. Church to the fans of their far-reaching radio ministry and provided support as he built his prophecy ministry from its Oklahoma City base.