
Prophecy in the News History

For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ – Phil. 3:20

The Prophecy in the News Legacy

In November of 1979, Prophecy in the News launched its worldwide ministry from Oklahoma City, founded by J.R. Church, a Texas pastor with a heart and a vision for Bible prophecy, as well as reaching the world with the Gospel.

Church’s colleagues in the ministry, Noah Hutchings and Dr. David Webber at Southwest Radio Church, helped introduce J.R. Church to the fans of their far-reaching radio ministry and provided support as he built his prophecy ministry from its Oklahoma City base.


J.R. Church immediately began writing and publishing booklets on prophetic and end-time subjects, as well as soon launching a weekly Prophecy in the News television show that became syndicated on national TV, including Daystar and TBN. A daily radio outreach ministry followed.


Thanks to J.R. Church, PITN was always on the cutting edge of or ahead of the industry in technological advances, giving multimedia presentations on his travels to the Holy Land long before PowerPoint was heard of and experimenting with and incorporating computer technologies before other organizations.

“If he were alive today,” says former SWRC Staff Evangelist Dr. James Collins, “J.R. would be giving presentations from a hologram.”


Because of PITN’s hallmark television show, magazine and myriad other publications and media, the ministry has reached a vast audience around the world since its modest-but-visionary beginnings.

After J.R. Church went to be with the Lord in 2011, PITN pressed on for some years before taking a brief hiatus – until 2022 when the ministry was revitalized in a Gospel partnership with Southwest Radio Ministries (SWRC).

844-475-7486 (PITN)

P.O. Box 74955 Oklahoma City, OK 73147
