The Kinsman Redeemer: A Prophecy Fulfilled in Christ

The Kinsman Redeemer: A Prophecy Fulfilled in Christ

A classic article from 1986 The doctrine of the kinsman redeemer offers one of the most profound prophecies to be found in the pages of the Bible.  The law of the kinsman redeemer covered three areas of the Mosaic Covenant. The first one can be found in Leviticus...
Fighting the Good Fight

Fighting the Good Fight

It was late one midweek night when I got a call from a local Baptist church for help. This church, by the way, had opposed my message on the “spirit world” until this evening. Over so many years, I have come to adopt the position: “You don’t need me until you need...
He leadeth me in paths of UNrighteousness

He leadeth me in paths of UNrighteousness

We all have a brutal, spiritual enemy. He has many names in the Bible, such as the Devil, Lucifer, Satan and others. He is highly active in our world today. In the Scriptures, he’s called the Destroyer. He seeks to devour everything good and decent in our lives. The...
Preparing America for the Mark of the Beast

Preparing America for the Mark of the Beast

A classic article from July 2004 It’s time somebody said, “That’s enough!”  If the leaders of our country will not stand up and say, “Stop it, you heathens!” then there is no hope for America or the world. We used to wonder how the Antichrist could get away with...
Is America Committing Suicide?

Is America Committing Suicide?

A classic article from July 1985 The citizens chafe impatiently at the least touch of authority, and at length, they cease to care even for the laws, written or unwritten. And this is the fair and glorious beginning out of which springs tyranny. “The excessive...