Celebrating Godly Mothers

Celebrating Godly Mothers

  Mother’s Day provides an occasion to express our gratitude for the godly women who love the Lord and others. If you have a godly woman like this in your life, you are blessed. If you have a godly mother like this, you are doubly blessed. In Jesus’ most...
Lift Up the Word, Light Up the World

Lift Up the Word, Light Up the World

“Lift up the Word. Light up the world.” That is the theme for the 73rd National Day of Prayer, observed across America on Thursday, May 2, 2024. God has equipped His followers with two powerful weapons – prayer and the Bible. How can we wield the weapon of prayer to...
Signs in the Stars or Sensational Distractions?

Signs in the Stars or Sensational Distractions?

April 8, 2024: a total solar eclipse awes Americans, but some students of Bible prophecy warn it is an omen of impending judgment upon the U.S. Is this eclipse a harbinger of divine judgment upon America or are people misinterpreting God’s Word and misunderstanding...
Africa Needs Jesus

Africa Needs Jesus

A mother in Africa listens to Christian radio with her family thanks to a generous gift; a Muslim holy man listens privately as the Gospel permeates his head and heart; and a pastor deepens his understanding of God’s Word. What do these stories have in common? Each...
What if the Resurrection Never Happened?

What if the Resurrection Never Happened?

The women approach the tomb with their burial perfumes and ointments in hand. They find Roman soldiers guarding the entrance to Jesus’ tomb. They ask the guards for permission to anoint Jesus’ corpse with burial perfumes. The guards agree, so long as they can monitor...