We all have a brutal, spiritual enemy.

He has many names in the Bible, such as the Devil, Lucifer, Satan and others. He is highly active in our world today.

In the Scriptures, he’s called the Destroyer. He seeks to devour everything good and decent in our lives. The Evil One’s great enemy is the Lord Jesus Christ. He seeks to attack the Lord Jesus Christ through the people He has created.

As the great deceiver, he will do everything in his power to keep individuals from coming to the salvation offered through the Lord Jesus Christ, purchased for all mankind by His blood shed at Calvary. Romans 10:13 says: “For whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

He attacks believers in Christ by seeking to confuse them through false teachers, spewing lies and false doctrine. The following are some tools used by the enemy to implement confusion among the Saints and to keep people from coming to Christ for salvation.

Secret societies and cults have been present throughout the history of humankind. There were mystery religions of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Each had its own secret rites, initiations and revelations. Today, secret societies have a large range of membership organizations. These societies utilize secret initiations or other rituals and offer unique handshakes, private languages, costumes and symbols.

There is a wide divergence of such groups in the U.S., and throughout the world, including fraternities and sororities, seldom viewed as secret societies. For example, the KKK was one of America’s most infamous and visible secret societies. The Klan used intimidation, violence and murder to maintain white supremacy in Southern government and social life.

Some secret societies were found in ancient or pre-colonial cultures. One of the main distinctions between a secret society and a cult is that a cult is more centered on doctrine or dogma, because the cult offers guidance on what to follow and how.

On the other hand, secret societies are ultimately private groups, typically composed of like-minded individuals. The “secret” part is often simply the information kept private among only group members.

Religious creeds, overtones and principles are often key elements in a secret society. Being a part of a secret society may confuse a believer in Christ, because the groups often mix pagan or unbiblical philosophies and practices with Scriptural truth.

What’s the primary purpose of the secret society? The secret society may have religious overtones, but the greater emphasis is on belonging to a unique group. Most secret societies do not hide their existence from non-members. For example, Masonic lodges announce their presence on signs at their building and as one enters the town or city.

However, certain things are kept secret. What is secret about secret societies is what goes on inside, including everything from rituals and passwords to what the members believe. Perhaps the most prominent secret society is the Freemasons. They are millions strong and often refer to themselves as “a society with secrets.”

2 Peter 2:1-3 says: But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. Through covetousness, shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

Cults are prevalent in our culture today. Some cults reach out to young people with evangelistic fervor. For example, the cult of Mormonism has drawn many young people into its fold. I’ve met people of various ages who became ensnared in the cult of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Sometimes, it’s simply a desire to belong. What’s more attractive than the false doctrine the leaders propagate is the group’s feeling of belonging and acceptance.

Some characteristics of a cult leader are as follows. A cult leader may have a secret or open sexual addiction. Some years ago, my wife and I had an opportunity to visit with a couple that had left a cult called the Children of God. David Brandt Berg, a charismatic preacher, formed the Children of God in 1968. He believed the apocalypse was near and urged believers to survive on necessities by giving up their money and personal possessions to the group’s leaders. He also taught that God is love and love is sex.

He encouraged cult members to use sex as an instrument of recruitment. This was known as “flirty fishing.” They were encouraged to have sex with people in the community to lure them into the folds of the cult.

Another well-known cult was the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianly or Unification Church. Founded in 1954 by Sun Myung Moon. This highly destructive group taught that Jesus failed on the cross. As a result, Moon (the new son of God) became the mediator between God and man.

 A cult leader appeals to the sexual desires of his followers. Those secretly involved in sexual activities will be attracted to the arguments of the cult leader. He will appeal to their basic sensual drives. Each cult member will find his or her support from the cult leader to justify their open opposition to those who disagree with them. Cult leaders draw their followers away from their families.

The faults and failures of parents will be emphasized and condemned, along with the refusal to let their sons and daughters make the final decision on sinful activities and practices.

The parents will be accused of controlling their children, who believe they are old enough to make their own decisions. They will be pressured to reject their parents and other God-given authority.

The cult leader will teach followers to rebel against government, parental, and church authorities. This directly opposes the teaching of scripture, which tells us all government authorities receive their power from God. It says, “Whoever resists him (those in authority) is resisting God.” This is found in Romans 13:1-10.

A cult leader needs to manufacture an enemy to unite his followers. This “enemy” may be the government, the Church, or the family. Typically, a cult leader will demand total loyalty to himself and the cult and does not allow for dissension. He presents himself as the one to be loyal to. Anyone who disagrees with him will be barred from having future contact with other cult members.

Additionally, the cult leader will promote false or twisted doctrines contrary to the scriptures, likely claiming that he has a special connection with God and has been given special revelation or understanding. In most cases, his words are the final authority. He seeks to make himself the undisputed leader of the cult.

A cult leader is very adept at twisting the interpretation of the scriptures. He will produce a faulty description of what a godly Christian life is.

 The truth is that a man’s morality will always dictate his theology. False teaching often stems from a desire for material gain. The cult leader’s true motive is often to accrue personal wealth.

Followers of the cult are required to donate money to the cult. In some cults, they require members to donate any money they earn. The leader then controls the money. He will use the money to purchase items that directly benefit him.

As the scripture says, he loves money: “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (1 Timothy 6:10).

The Evil One may use cults and secret societies to draw people’s attention away from the truth of the Scriptures.

As believers in Jesus Christ, we need to be loyal to God and His Holy Word. We must exercise the priesthood of the believer.

This means no man exists between my God, Bible, and conscience. God has ordained the local church as the gathering place for his children. Through the local church, we are taught God’s truth; we fellowship with God’s children; and encourage and pray for one another.

Cults and secret societies must not become a replacement for the New Testament Church.

In Matthew 7:15-16, the Lord Jesus warned each of us by saying, “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.”

This is much-needed counsel from the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Join us for DEFYING THE DEMONIC – a one-day intensive conference that will help participants prepare for battle, training them in practical ways to help others find victory over the enemy and overcome demonic bondage by becoming well-armed spiritual warriors.

Ken Copley

Ken Copley

Ken Copley was raised in a Christian home, accepting Christ at age 21 and soon after, being called into full-time ministry. Copley graduated from Pillsbury Baptist Bible College in 1974 with a bachelor’s in Bible and from Central Theological Seminary in 1978 with a master of arts in Christian education. Copley’s journey in pastoral care continued as he graduated with a Doctor of Ministry degree from Trinity Seminary in 1981.

In addition, Copley holds a Ph.D. from Louisiana Baptist Seminary, School of Scriptures division, in biblical studies. In 2006, Dr. Copley earned an M.Div in Pastoral Theology from Pastors Seminary. He served as a youth pastor through his college and seminary years, 1970-1978. Over 17 years, he pastored three churches and from 1982-88, Dr. Copley taught pastoral theology at Valley Baptist Seminary.

From 1988 to the present, Dr. Copley has served as a biblical warfare counselor, having been mentored in warfare counseling by Drs. Jim Logan and Mark Bubeck, among others. He was privileged to found a Christian school for grades K-12, a four-year Bible college, a biblical counseling center, and a theological seminary as well as to write two books – The Great Deceiver: Unmasking the Lies of Satan and Setting Captives Free: Scriptural Principles for Effective Warfare Counseling.

Dr. Copley considers it the ultimate privilege to have served in the Lord’s Army. All the glory goes to the Lord.